A Nostalgic Look at Coon Hunting in the 1970s: The Golden Age of Raccoon Chasing

A Nostalgic Look at Coon Hunting in the 1970s: The Golden Age of Raccoon Chasing Admin |

The 1970s was a time of transformation for many aspects of American life, and coon hunting was no exception. This pastime, which has roots dating back to the early colonial era, saw a surge in popularity during this decade. Today, we take a nostalgic journey back to the golden age of raccoon chasing, exploring the techniques, gear, and hunting dogs that made coon hunting in the 1970s a unique experience.

The Art of Coon Hunting

Coon hunting is more than just a sport; it's a cultural tradition passed down through generations. In the 1970s, hunters would venture into the woods at night, armed with trusty gear and their skilled hunting dogs, in pursuit of the elusive raccoon. At the time, raccoons were abundant across the United States, making them a prime target for hunters seeking a challenging and rewarding experience.

The Role of Hunting Dogs

Central to the success of any coon hunting expedition in the 1970s was the hunter's choice of hunting dog. The most popular breeds at the time were the Treeing Walker Coonhound, the Bluetick Coonhound, and the Redbone Coonhound. These dogs, known for their keen sense of smell and relentless tracking abilities, were indispensable to hunters as they pursued raccoons through the night.

The Gear That Defined the Era

When embarking on a coon hunting adventure in the 1970s, hunters relied on a variety of specialized gear to ensure their success. Some essentials included:

1. Carbide Lamps: Before the widespread availability of battery-powered headlamps, many hunters relied on carbide lamps to light their way through the dark woods.
2. CB Radios: Communication was key for hunters, and CB radios allowed them to stay in touch with fellow hunters and coordinate their efforts.
3. Coon Squallers: These devices mimicked the sound of a distressed raccoon, luring other raccoons out of hiding and into the sights of waiting hunters.
4. Rubber Hip Waders: Trudging through swampy terrain was all part of the hunt, and rubber hip waders kept hunters dry and protected from snakes and other dangers.

The Hunting Process

Coon hunting in the 1970s was a process that required patience, skill, and teamwork. The night would begin with hunters releasing their dogs into the woods, allowing them to track raccoons by scent. As the dogs pursued their quarry, hunters would listen carefully for the distinctive barking and treeing sounds that signaled a raccoon had been found.

Once the raccoon was treed, hunters would approach with their flashlights, attempting to locate the raccoon in the tree branches above. With the raccoon cornered, the hunter would then take careful aim and dispatch the animal with a well-placed shot.

Coon hunting in the 1970s was a unique and treasured tradition for many Americans. The camaraderie between hunters, the bond with their hunting dogs, and the thrill of the chase made these nighttime adventures an unforgettable experience. While hunting practices and gear have evolved over the years, the spirit of coon hunting and its connection to the past remains alive and well today.